2024 Halloween Spooktacular Supremes and Shining Star Awards
Unlock 11 exciting Supreme Titles in our Queens Divisions and 1 exclusive Title in our Kings Division. This all-inclusive add-on also features the Shining Beauty Awards, presented in each age division. Titles include Halloween Spooktacular Ultimate Grand Supreme, Overall Most Beautiful Supreme, Overall Supermodel Supreme, and Overall Costume Wear Supreme!
Queen All-In Awards Add-On Cost: $100 online / $125 at the door
King All-In Awards Add-On Cost: $45 online / $65 at the door
About the Titles and Awards:
Halloween Spooktacular Ultimate Grand Supreme Queen
Awarding two Ultimates, one in the 0-5 Years and one in the 6+ Years!
She will take home a $250 certificate valid for one calendar year as she is crowned with the Halloween Ultimate Crown as a confetti blast pours down on her, Custom Satin ECUSA Halloween Sash, Halloween Rhinestone Scepter, Awesome Prizes AND a photoshoot!
She has the highest combined score out of all contestants entering the Door Titles inclusive of her Formal Wear, Costume Wear and Photogenic scores.
Halloween Spooktacular Overall Most Beautiful Supreme
Awarding three Overall Most Beautiful Supreme's, one in each supreme breakdown (0-5 Years, 6-11 Years, and 12+ Years)!
She will take home a $100 certificate valid towards the 2024 Christmas Spectacular Pageant, the Halloween Ultimate Crown, Custom Satin ECUSA Halloween Sash, Halloween Rhinestone Scepter, Awesome Prizes!
She has the highest Formal Wear score after the Ultimate & Grand Supreme Queens are awarded.
Halloween Spooktacular Overall Supermodel Supreme
Awarding three Overall Supermodel Supreme's, one in each supreme breakdown (0-5 Years, 6-11 Years, and 12+ Years)!
She will take home a $100 certificate valid towards the 2024 Christmas Spectacular Pageant, the Halloween Ultimate Crown, Custom Satin ECUSA Halloween Sash, Halloween Rhinestone Scepter, Awesome Prizes!
She has the highest Photogenic score after the Ultimate & Grand Supreme Queens are awarded.
Halloween Spooktacular Overall Costumer-wear Supreme
Awarding three Overall Costume-wear Supreme's, one in each supreme breakdown (0-5 Years, 6-11 Years, and 12+ Years)!
She will take home a $100 certificate valid towards the 2024 Christmas Spectacular Pageant, the Halloween Ultimate Crown, Custom Satin ECUSA Halloween Sash, Halloween Rhinestone Scepter, Awesome Prizes!
She has the highest Costume-wear score after the Ultimate & Grand Supreme Queens are awarded.
Halloween Spooktacular Supreme King
He will take home a $100 certificate valid towards the 2024 Christmas Spectacular Pageant, the Halloween Ultimate Crown, Custom Satin ECUSA Halloween Sash, Halloween Rhinestone Scepter, Awesome Prizes!
He has the highest combined score out of all contestants entering the Door Titles inclusive of his Formal Wear, Costume Wear and Photogenic scores. This title is awarded right after the Halloween King Grand Supreme.
Division Shining Beauty Awards
A set of awards will be given out in each age division for Best Dressed, Best Personality, Best Smile, Most Congenial, and Most Confident. These awards are judged during the Formal Wear competition and awarded during the divisional placements. Winners will take home a custom ECUSA Award Ribbon